Bean Primary School

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Breakfast Club

Bean Primary School is delighted to be able to offer a Breakfast Club facility for our pupils.

Doors open at 8am and a range of healthy breakfasts are available. After breakfast the children engage in a range of activities before joining their class for the start of school.

Breakfast includes cereals, toast & fruit juice.

The cost of Breakfast club is £3.00 a session. Payment should be made in advance via Parentmail. Payment can be made daily, weekly or half termly.

If you wish to make a payment for Breakfast Club using Childcare vouchers from your employer, please contact the school office.

If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium Funding we are currently able to cover the cost of Breakfast Club from the grant received by the school but you'll still need to book your child a place at Breakfast Club via Parentmail. 

Childminding Provision

Bean Primary School work in partnership with the following local childminders:

Lynn Page - 07790655445

Dawn Frost - 07886373499


Should you require their services please contact them on the numbers above.