Literacy is taught through the six topics taught across the year. Staff have carefully planned the different genres ensuring appropriate balance exists and that the National Curriculum requirements are delivered. Reading is strongly encouraged each day and each class uses a display board to promote reading and the love of reading. Comprehension questions are drawn from class novels that teachers read to the class ensuring a range of responses that include explaining word meaning, retrieval of key information, inference and deduction.
Children start their literary journey at Bean Primary by learning the single letter sounds, as children develop this knowledge they will be encouraged to blend letters together to form words. Children will begin to read books once they can blend their sounds. When reading, we encourage fluency, accuracy, understanding and enjoyment. Children should be able to read their books with confidence and understanding of what they are reading, enabling them to answer questions about their books. Children will read in their Read Write Inc. lesson every day – Reception and Key Stage 1 classes).
Every year, we offer phonics workshops to parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to allow us to support in any way we can.